On The Scouting Trail: The past few weeks saw some good Scouting Activity 
Clarke Farrer 08-05-2021

Last week was a great week for Scouting in the Grand Teton Council!

We had over 300 participate in our Tall Timber/Family Camp at Island Park Scout Camp.

  • The umbrella program, Tall Timber, was run by Dan and Gaylene Call
  • 77 youth and 43 adults attended Family Camp led by Karl and Hollie Sherbel
  • 60 youth attended Cedar Badge/NYLT led by Nolan Bybee and Conner Kennedy
  • 17 Scouters attended Wood Badge adult leader training led by Tara Gates
  • 10 Cub Scout leaders attended Akela's Adventure led by Michelle Davidson

We deeply appreciate the above leaders and all their staff members who made all the fun and excitement possible for our Scouts and their families. Jason Eborn was the Council’s staff advisor to Tall Timber and Dave Kirk was our camp director.  We appreciate these great men and the tremendous effort they and their staff put in to making it a safe and fun summer.

This summer we also had the following attendance at our camps:

  • 427 attended Cub Scout Day Camp at Scout Hollow
  • 545 attended Scout Camp at Island Park
  • About 1,000 youth camped at Little Lemhi Scout Camp
  • About 100 people camped at Treasure Mountain Scout Camp

You’d also be interested to know that the GTC Board recently voted to keep our Treasure Mountain Scout Camp, restore and improve it, and continue to operate it as a camping venue for Scouts and other youth groups for things such as youth conferences and youth camps.

We wanted to share these numbers and successes to show that things are alive and well in the Grand Teton Council. The past year and a half have been hard for everyone, but we see a positive path forward and a bright future for Scouts and Scouting in the Grand Teton Council.


We appreciate your support for our programs for youth!

I’ll see you on the Scouting Trail,

Clarke Farrer I Scout Executive/CEO











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